Monday, January 30, 2006

Angels don't fly, they have no wings.
It is another of those made up things.


Mixed affections merged with skeptical actions.
Could it all be a misconception?
Affairs of the heart - complicating but captivating.

musical carousels 7:33 PM
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Momo was a blast! =) See, new found friends can be such a luscious treat.

Saccharine emotions stirred; Queer, yet alluring. =)

musical carousels 1:01 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm going down to the hollow where the trees meet the soul;
I'm trying not to follow another long, twined and lonely road.
My knees are wounded and my heart's panged.

I've drifted from my admist.
Now, I'm six feet under.

With ethereal footsteps and masked fingerprints; I'm impalpable.

musical carousels 6:41 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Have you ever realised how superficial the cyber world gets?

Friendster's bull shit, comment boxes too.

I may appear to have an immense amount of friends, virtually. However, in reality, I'm THAT forlorn.

I haven't caught a movie, had a three way conversation, went star gazing, received geniune hugs in ages.

I just want a friend.


Be a phoenix, Princess.
Rise from the ashes of the lost love,
show her your wings.

- Wenny ; http://diamondsandnicotine.blogspot.com

musical carousels 12:11 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I think I'm going berserk.
I just called my ex tutor to ask for pills.

she: "Whatever for?"
me: "I just want to be happy."

I don't know what to do anymore; The tears just won't stop.

musical carousels 10:24 PM

I'm currently sharing Boasters' chocolate chip cookies ♥ with Xiao Bai and also,browsing through the latest hearsays in Hollywood. See the effects of a rainy afternoon? It turns you into a couch computer potato. Anyhow, I realised that quite a handful of Amercian Magnates are consuming drugs. Take Lindsay's recent confession to Vogue or Mary-kate Oslen as supereminent examples. Speaking of which, my very slender ex chinese tutor ( who has
9 tattoos and 10 body piercings) happens to be a drug addict too. Okie, so what's the deal of bringing out the topic of drugs? Well, apparently, it surfaced the fact that IF i were to be enslaved to drugs, it wouldn't be as execrable as what the media published. More over, it can actually assist me to shed 10 pounds within 2 weeks, which is definitely much more effective compared to Zoe's CHA CHA CHA, or Fann's Xando tablets, agree? But then again, I doubt I'll be able to pay THAT much for one mere tablet. Also, it will be such a hassel to crush the pill to bits, and the thought of sniffing in the powder through my nostrils seems, uncomfortable? Hmmm. But, but, but, my tutor said that the satification obtained's much more engaging than you can ever imagine.

Digressing, I'm quite aghasted with Avril Lavigne. I mean, what made this small punk transform into an elephantine slut? Well, if you beg
to differ, see the following picture, I believe, you'll be as astonished as I am.

This ONCE luscious Canadian used to be so quirky by saying she's one hardcore chic and will never, ever be the next Britney Spears ( not that I've something against Brit; Brit's ♥ !!! )!? Like, what's with the blonde hair and the almost-unclad-outfit? Seriously, Avril's just not cut out to be the next hilton heir; She's not pink enough. Now, please, someone tell her she's better off with her daddy's tie.

Alright, moving on to the topic of fashion disaster, who can ever leave the fully blossomed Mariah Carey out. =) I mean, her recent winter dress code's just a major NONO.

Pink maybe love, but an immense NO to wear
pink fluffy boots with oven gloves. Reckon it's only her assents that makes this picture worth a second look. Hur?

Okie, I'm off, will blog again later. I'm going to get my samsung 530C in VALENTINE PINK. The fetish for Moto's pink razor's over. Hah. =\

musical carousels 1:01 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006

Honestly I didn’t mean to cry so hard the heartache was pouring in like rain
I didn’t mean to show I care
Honestly I didn’t mean to laugh so loud but it just sounds so absurd to say that you want me
Say that you need me after everything you’ve done

Really truly I didn’t mean to hurt you I just thought that maybe now
We’d have better luck the second time around
Its always better the second time I hear

Find me in the evening when your ready to dance
And I will take you to places where you never thought you'd have the chance to love
Love is all we have

I will run myself in circles here without you

Please believe that I tried my best to forget you but the memories keep flooding back like tears
I didn’t mean to fall in love
But sitting here waiting for this is torture
I'm so glad you're far away
Is that a terrible thing to say?
Well, I wonder if you're ok

I would run myself in circles here without you
I've tried and tried
And I can't hide from your love
But I'll run in circles here, without you.

-Bethany Joy Lenz, Honestly

Been IMMENSELY busy with work and it's making me sink into enervation. Nonetheless, despite my not very forcible attempts to unbend my label, I'm still falling back to square one.

Somehow, I came to know that guys still contrast extremely, acutely from lesbians. They seem to protrait the same amplitude of desperation. Take *** for example, he kept coming up with excuses to hold my hand on our very first date meet up.

Then again, could it be because I've never ever actually dated a guy before?

20 exs, but all females. Goodness, I'm such a bummer.

musical carousels 10:27 AM
Sunday, January 01, 2006

I reckon everyone has a turning point when they turn 18. This year, I'll get my licenses for both, Car and Bike. =) I'll also earn enough to cover my soon to get PINK sports bike's expenses. Oh, and hopefully, get into TP's Mass Comm or some other designing course. However, if I were to -cross fingers- do badly for my Os, mmmm, I guess I'll opt for a retake and perhaps, get into SAJC ( despite being 2 years behind any other being ) and then after, fulfill my dream to become an air stewardess for SQ. =D

Lastly, I will never allow any relationship to tarnish my education. =) It happened, twice in fact, but that should be it.

Till then. =)

musical carousels 5:47 PM

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