Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I thInK i SHoULD jUst TYpE lIKe THis FrOM nOW ONWarDs LorXx...


musical carousels 3:30 AM
Monday, February 20, 2006

My mind's simply piled with vexatious thoughts and my mood's perpetually changing. I've a feeling, a very strong feeling that things will never work out.


musical carousels 10:26 PM
Saturday, February 18, 2006

I hate being paranoid.

Reckon that's the price to pay when u demand for affections.

Fuck, I wonder if there's room for second thoughts now.

musical carousels 3:13 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wen's dotage reminded me of my past reflection.
Ryl's lost of securities intimated a record of distant retrospects.

Relationships - unpredictable and jeopardous.

p/s : Imu.

musical carousels 1:10 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rest are here.

Scarlet skin,Frazzled and perhaps,a little boisterious. Nonetheless, the company was definitely AWESOME. ♥

musical carousels 10:41 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'm going to wear a brown paperbag and move to Malaysia, where I'll start my cow counting career.

Ohhh! I forgot. Stupid people can't count and I'm stupid.

stupid stupid stupid.

Cheryl Stupid Lim, Stupid Cheryl Lim, Lim Stupid Cheryl.

So, I can't count cows, neither can I further my studies.

Gawddd, I am stupid.

musical carousels 10:24 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006

I've been eating and bawling since 3.30 pm. So far, I've consumed 25 pieces of cookies, 30 pieces of FRIED chicken, 1/2 kg of french fries, 3 chicken pies and 1/2 a packet of gummies.

Yes, just as you guessed, I did excessively badly my Os. Still, who have I to blame but myself. I mean, no one forced me to leave 4 papers unfilled. Hah.

I have alot of bewilderments beneath me. Yet, it seems that they can never be expunged. In addition, having a sister and a crush who are undergrads does actually increase my inferiority. Or maybe, I just want to be flawless among the untarnished ones.

Fuck it. I hate myself for being stupid and I abhor myself for being such a crybaby.

Still, why? I had 3 distinctions for my Ns. I don't fucking deserve such obnoxious grades.

Whatever. I'm just going to eat my life away and perhaps, go on a hiatus.

musical carousels 6:43 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006

A mixture of anguish and acrimony stirring within.
Somethings can never be changed, nor apprehend.

I'm fucking disgruntled; you're indeed a major disappointment.

But again, as you mentioned, why am I enraged?


musical carousels 10:20 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You're the only hoodlum penguin who responds ( very hashly) to my benign beatings.
You like being a portable ATM machine. =(
You endowed me with an exorbitant amount of confidence.
You enjoy being my english ameliorator ( But I don't like it! )
You seek pleasure by ambushing me with flowers.
You can't spot the differences between satellites and stars. ( I was the mentor for that, okie? Anyhow claim pretty girl's credits. Heh. )
You make a wonder fat cushion.
You have -coughs- a rather -coughs- mellifluous voice ( Amazingly. )
You can't handle liquor.
You are always earlier than our predestined timings.
You managed to expunge the word, "embarrassed", from my dictionary.
You have an unparalleled ability; which unables me to look within your eyes for more than 3 seconds.
You were once regarded as a pariah, to me that is.
You are by far, the only person I know that likes the taste of peppermint milk tea. =)
You adore junk food. In fact, I think that's your greatest indulgent.
You don't like me. At least, that's what you always say.
You only wear long sleeves tops in the night.
You seek pleasure by mocking my pronunciations. ( Wait till you get your tongue pierced! )
You believe you're jinxed. ( Which is rather skeptical. )
You the first person I spilled my life novelette too.
You suffered the same despondency as me.
You like stroking my hair while I'm half asleep. =))
You are the first and only person who commented that my hair , urm, smelled peachy.
You fancy painting people's nails. ( Odd, ain't it? )
You have a vast collection of perfumes.
You abhor the smell of vanilla ( which is currently the redolence of my perfume)
You can actually brew a cuppa mocha, that spews the aroma of crisp coffee beans.
You have a pair of enchanting eyes, despite being masked by a pair of tinted contact lens.
You prefer candid shots to spurious, posed shots.
You taught me the word, nocturnal. ( See, my vocab's that apathetic. =( )
You heart actually beats at a rather posthaste pace. ( Yes, I heard it. grins. )

31 things about you ( yay, I triumphed! )- all witnessed within a duration of two weeks. I'm aware of it's insufficiency. But, believe me, like peeling the layers of an onion, I'll slowly, but surely unveil your individuality. Then again, I reckon the onion's not exactly a suitable comparison; for it actually glazes one's vision. And, I'm prefectly assured that you'll never be the one who'll be injecting droplets into my eyes. =)


Results will be out on Friday and I'm pretty certained that I'll end up bawling my lungs out.Also, I detest being called stupid/a bimbo. But, it seems like I've to admit it and cense that self-denial habit of mine. Rah.

Oh well, guess each of us have our own set of quandaries. Accks. I'll be back again, Till then. =)

musical carousels 8:37 PM

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