Thursday, March 30, 2006

RIPPERS are the most HIDEOUS things on this entire planet!
Like, seriously.


*click to enlarge
Ripper's link

And Jojo, insecurites can be expunged, alright? Mummy loves you. =)

Momoren seems to be sleeping like a decomposed log! and I miss her.

THE PRINCESS'S UTTERLY ANTAGONIZED! I'm not sterotyping, but honestly, I think butches are the most imperceptive creatures, right Ryl-Lio?


p/s : I'm such a bitch, but Idontcare.

musical carousels 2:18 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've unintentionally offended one of Karen Millen's paramount customers, and ever since then, she've been hurling reprehensible remarks at me. Well, it wasn't just the words nor their meanings, but also, the tone she used hurts as badly as being hit by sharpened stones.

It all started two months ago, when I incidentally swung open the door of the dressing room she was in and thus, causing her to reveal a tad bit of her nakedness. As mentioned, it was an inadvertent act ( Anyway, it was partly her fault, she should have locked the door?! ), still, it made her extremely distraught.

I guess you can imagine how I was feeling during her patronizations. If not, I can tell you it was much more loathsome than having wasabi stuffed down your bare throat. It felt like I walking on a frozen pond whose ice might crack any moment; Her mere presences were enough to make me ail in agony.

Nonetheless, I was still able to hoist myself with a nonchalant behavior, and even tried to chortle at the execrable mockeries she made against me; I was practically a derision for her to sneer at.

However, if you were to rub a fabric too frequently, it'll subsequently turn threadbare, and unfortunately, today happened to be the day when I was unable to remain impassive. I don't know if it was because her words abraded me that much, but I do know that my eyes were splotched red soon after those insults were being brought across. I was cletching my lips that tightly, it was as though I never had them to begin with. Tears started to pool from the curb of my eyelids, so much that my vision was layered with mist. Still, I guess that was a delight for that bitch, for I was sure I saw a smirk being wiped upon her face. I hate to admit this, but I guess her lavish wrkness was indeed too much for me to swallow.

Gen once asked me to master the arts of independence and believe me, I was actually influenced by her self-reliances. Still, if today's encounter is just a puny price to pay for such liberty, then I would rather rely immensely on my parents.

Right, I'm being stark puerile here, for I'm unable to adapt to such aggressions. Nevertheless, I just want to be living in a world where innoncence lingers and grudges never once existed. Or perhaps, I'm yearning for someone to shield me from these belligrences.

I've just read my sister's blog and it's dismaying to know that she's still smoking. See, I've always regarded her as the epitome of good breeding. Hence,I think that should explain the infinite amount of expections/demands I've for her.

Speaking of smoking, It kinda reminded me of this :

*click to enlarge

It was made by Gen Seah. Sadly, it's a sweet picture that has lost it's concealed agenda.

Guess all I need is a little getting used to (for the smoking issue), just like how a man will eventually grow accustomed to a paralyzed arm.

Aiii, Cheryl's just one very sad girl la. =(

musical carousels 12:03 AM
Monday, March 27, 2006

My mood was utterly heinous today, I was literally blooming with hostility. To worsen things off, I was greeted with a ghastly batch of customers, ever. I mean, what's the deal of trying an elephantine amount of garments, yet, not having the intentions of purchasing them? Ugh. And to
think I've to put on that fine lacquered surface, just for the sake of a bunch of hoarders. HMPH.

Okie, at least there's something for me to simper about : Yesterday outing with the pigguin was well, rather boisterous ( well, apart from her vile sniggers, causing us to fall flat on the concreted ground, fagging directly infront of me and not forgetting, her insensitivity ). Oh, and I think the hills have eyes is a rather vicious film, great for those who enjoys eccentric/macabre tales.

There seems to be an outburst of pregnancies at my workplace. One of my colleague's currently two months pregnant ( I'm the kid's godmother btw! ), another two seems to be possessing such symptons. Anyhow, my supervisor told me that I wouldn't be a total woman if I've not gone through that child-birth thingy. =\ Still, why would I want to go through the process of getting my vagina ripped apart, and worse, carrying a cannon ball for like, nine months?

Okie, I'm going to end now. Gen's being an idiot, as always.

Till then.

musical carousels 10:36 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cheryl just came back from a facial today and she's feeling rather appeased with what the beautician told her! =)

Alright, so apart from the inflamed pimple on her right cheek, the day seems to rather sublime.

She'll be meeting Gen Seah later to catch the Hills Have Eyes.

So alright, more updates later.

p/s: this entry's rather apathetic, don't you think so? HAHA.

musical carousels 7:58 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Yesterday's trip to Marina Bay was totally awesome y'all! The atmosphere was a gazillion times better than the Esplanade's. It's also probably the best star-gazing location in Singapore,ever.

Nonetheless, I finally realised one should never judge it's book by it's cover. Why so? Well, I always thought that Sheryl Pan was those typical Kawaii-neh chao ah lians who finds KTV-ing utterly revering. However, through yesterday's jaunt, I came to know she's one spasmodic who strongly believes she has the ability to converse with ants?! Sheesh. Also, I used to think that Lau Xiangling was the tranquil/nonchalant one, who strictly regards serenity as the greatest thing on earth, but hell no, I was totally taken in by those hazel eyes of hers. I mean, behind that refiner, lies a typical AH SOH that's ready to hunt for it's prey FREE SAMPLES. I mean, she literally headed to such kiosks(in carrefour) and yes, jocundly indulged in them.

As for Genevieve Seah, I doubt I've to eleborate further; That clumsy bear's prolly the most whimsical one among the entire lot.=)

p/s: Gen, I promise that I won't disclose the facts that you fell off the chair, was extremely tumultuous when ants attacked your slippers, made a elephantine amount of plantive cries and tried drowning those ants with carlsberg..etc, okie? Your dirty little secrets are save with me!

I'm suffering for a major blemish-outbreak! HOW! =((

Lastly, our kite-flying attempts were a total failure.

Apologises if I offend any of the mentioned people, it's meant to be a drollery. =)

musical carousels 9:51 AM
Friday, March 24, 2006

Soon after, the warmth diminished; Light turned to night, the crisp aroma of bliss has lost it's fragrance.Enervation seems to be the word to describe the overall situation. After all, it's the aftermath of perhaps, too much saccharine gestures and luscious words.

To quote Ryl,"You still have friends..". Then again, it's like I'm back to the point where friends are just lucent figurines. The sewed wound has imperceptibly ripped itself apart, causing scarlet droplets to beam from the edge of the injury; Retrospects of that excrudicating pain resembles rolling tides crashing upon the naked shores.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not agonizing from celeste's abrupt departure. In fact, it's another peculiar romance that instilled this contradictoriness. There's this whirlpool of mixed emotions swarming within which makes me play the role of a debater; I'm yearning for a beginning, but I'm afraid to inject further affections, for I'm certained it's definitely going to be tedious, and maybe, hopeless(?)

Ever tried pulling a nail off the wall? That's how my emotions are for Gen right this instant. So, even if someone managed to convince me that I'm heading for a dead end; How am I supposed to reverse and find an egression from this one way street?


musical carousels 11:26 AM
Thursday, March 23, 2006


musical carousels 11:16 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Great! Just bid farewell each time our buffoonies transform into serious contemplations. Yes, I failed to tame my insensitivity, again. Despite so, how am I supposed to appear ignorant when you were playing the role of a stereotyper? I ain't her,though we're both gemini-ers. Elucidate me, please. Am I supposed to discard all my insecurities, when I'm jolly well affirmed that you're scared to indulge in a relationship?

Forget it, okie, maybe not.

Fuck. Tell me, where am I supposed to purchase a one way ticket? I opting out from this frigging mess.


I winch each time someone catechize about me and Genevieve. I mean,things between us are just too serene and rooted; There isn't any progress and somehow, it makes me ponder about the negatives. In addition, it's not cajoling to know that she's suffering from philophobia. In fact, it actually increases the amount of consternations that are being stirred deep within.

I'm secretly expecting something. Yet, it looks like she's totally out of reach.

Such perplexities. Acccks.

I'm as frail as cobwebs. Maybe, just maybe, I'ld leave before my heart gets ruptured, again. =(

musical carousels 3:17 AM
Friday, March 03, 2006

GOT INTO _______________



Whatever. Will be heading to MDIS, Mass Comm -a place where stupid people go to.

LAUGH, PEOPLE LAUGH. And don't bother coming back here anymore. Stupid people write stupid things. BYE LA, BYE.

musical carousels 10:31 AM
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Someone who loves you is working on a surprise for you right now, and even though you know you can figure it out if you really want to, don't. You'll only spoil it. Let them have their fun

At least, that's what my horoscope said. Amazing, ain't it? Such superficial beliefs actually possess the strength to cajole one's insecurities.

If only, if only, if only. Great, I sound desperate now. But, it feels like I'm being consumed by focible waves - Waves of affection and bashfulness. Yet, time seems to be thwarting my plans.

AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poly results will be released tomorrow. Wish me luck ( Don't need it anyway,I'll most prolly end up as a road sweeper. )

musical carousels 9:04 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I know, it's been an utterly long time since I indited something. Work's been tough and well, perhaps a little bit stygian. Nonetheless, it sort of warp my life - in a better way of course.

I realised I'm much more malleable compared to the times I was with Cel. At least, I'm no longer portraiting that disdainful impression. Also, I'm finally able to mingle immensely well with an unknown crowd. Right, I'm sounding like I've just been released from some sort of ordeal.

I think I'm going to seek treatment again. I'm finally sorta enervated from the binges/purges, Idon'tknow.

EEEEYERRR, I miss her LA!

musical carousels 3:41 PM

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