Thursday, August 31, 2006

Frozen dews teared from the calignous sky; the morning embraced me with mopes and an unbalanced mind. Seems like derangement have consumed all the serenity that lies within, and nothing left, except for a pool of worthless elucidations.

Now now, isn't it intriguing? Where by dreams are the actual predictions of an opaque future?

I came to realise that the 'Dating stage' is currently this season's latest vogue. Yet, I'm unable to apprehend the exact meaning of 'Dating'. Isn't it such a contradiction? That a participant of this recent fad's unable to provide you with a proper definition.

Digressing,You know, when I was Primary 5, I used to diss this particular butch in my school and was exceptionally turned off by my sister's lesbian tendencies. I constantly reminded myself how ghastly St Joseph's Convent was, for it was a school filled with abhorrent homosexuals and told myself never to enter this heinous institution?

However, this thought kinda warped when I reached Primary 6. It all happened when I met this dickhead on IRC. He insisted that he had a crush on me, and boy was he blessed with lusciousness. However, he soon realised that I was fat and gruesome and eventually showered hostilities on me.

In addition, his friends started deriding me revilements for god knows what reason, and I guess that affected my self esteem. It was then when I started finding girls immensely alluring and started pulling myself away from the opposite sex.

Alright, I don't know what actually made me wrote that pile of nonsensical shit. But somehow, I feel that there's a part of me that's unable to let go of the hatred I have towards that bastard, and it kinda caused me to have this prejudice against guys.

I know that the future can be unpredictable, and certain things can be twisted. However, I can gladly say that I enjoy the way I am now, and be it normal or abnormal, I know I won't be changing the way I currently am.

So, fuckhead, if you're reading this entry, you can stop texting me with your numerous dinner dates and movie intentions. It's annoying the shit out of me and if my stand is too subtle for you, I shall repeat myself, in a much easier format.


Okie, So here's a question for you peeps :
What do you do when both of your expectations are of a different level?
when you tried a million attempts to change a single person, but in reality, the only person who require such changes are actually yourself?

musical carousels 10:23 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hello Plastic, I can't wait for our roadshow tomorrow! =) 400 buckaroos will be rolling into our pockets, soon, and we'll then be able to shop like there's no tomorrow, right bitch? =)

I love you to bits, pretty plastic.

p/s: I think you're the only best thing that ever happened during the Karen Millen days.

Love, <3
Plastic (as well)

musical carousels 6:25 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006


More photos @ flickr2

The Click and The break-up might be our future reflections.
Then again, name me a couple who doesn't have their own set of quandaries? =)
Dinner has never been that phat. (I LOVE BEEF KIMCHI!) Or maybe, it was your existances that expunged the tension within.
Baby, thank you for making these two days so enchanting.

p/s : Your efforts are totally appreciated by yours truly. =D

musical carousels 2:47 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006

musical carousels 3:26 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Warm yet cold.
Smiles and Sorrows.

It is amazing how u merged such differences together.

=) But I'm glad you did.

musical carousels 9:44 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006

Cleared my messages and such.
Like I've said, words don't hold any imprinted memories.
Low No expectations are the highest source of protection.

Just feel a need to renovate my lifestyle..

Until then.

musical carousels 12:11 AM
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I should have went abroad, really.

I should have done so many things, and shouldn't have indulge in certain issues.

Should, and shouldn't .

See, these are the mistakes stupid people make.

musical carousels 8:21 PM

There's alot of things I've to say, plenty of issues for me to clear.
But, I can't seem to find the courage to do so.
I know there's a problem with me, or rather us.

I don't know.
I really don't.

musical carousels 6:20 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sometimes, I don't understand why people have to go through warped methods to prevent a person's departure? Then again, I can't say much, cause I so happen to be someone who practices that apathetic tactic. Still, what do you get by gaining back her momentary existances? She'll eventually break loose, causing you to experience greater misery than ever.

Perhaps, just perhaps you should let it go. Why inflict such torments to youself? Is it really worth it? After all, your actions were the initiation of her decision to leave..

Alright, those are just some random thoughts that I've to jolt down. Digressing, I don't understand why must my mother name me Cheryl. I think the name's immensely common and mundane.

Why couldnt she name me something more drama queenish, something like Lola, Eva, Gucci or Dior?

I wouldn't even mind Karma mehmama.

At least that sounds so much more original.

musical carousels 1:31 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006

Guess who passed her basic theory, on her first attempt (without sitting for the e-trial test conducted by Comfort driving school) ?!


musical carousels 11:02 PM

Bruised, both physically and emotionally.
But it's a good thing that I've got you.
Garfield, thank you for being my wonder wall.

So much for the term, family.

musical carousels 1:39 AM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Today, I did something which I personally find it quite anomalous, in a good way that is. Nonetheless, I'm glad I took the initiation to shower my garfield with utmost affection. To top it off, the responses I got stimulated lusciousness within me.

It's amazing how Baby placed me in nirvana. But that's not only that, it's the way she managed to expose my embarrassment, without the aftermath of me facing absolute humiliation, okay, maybe a little bit. Still, such comfortness has never felt so abating. As a matter of fact, the past six months have been extremely enticing, and I'm sure Baby agrees to that. =)

Digressing, I'm starting work tomorrow, and it's arousing trunks of nervousness. It's been long since I endured meticulous customers/grumps and immense enervation. But I will/shall/must persevere!

Mummy has also grant me the permission to travel around, without any parental supervision. That means I shall start saving, and go on a mini escapade with another dysfunctional family of mine.

Last but not least, I've a date with Lio this Sunday. Something I must abide to; I've been neglecting this gem since forever.

P/s : There's an alteration to our mutual agreement. No more once a week meetings, just when we have the time outings. HEH. ILOVEMYROUNDCAT.

Pp/s : Baby and I have decided to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Which means, more exercising and more days to see baby! =)


musical carousels 2:32 AM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rainy days are the initations of the outburst of diverse emotions.

I've a huge problem with my self esteem - which is apparently retrogressing quite badly. Alright, I know I abhor comparing myself with one's ex girlfriends, yet somehow, it seems to be an unavoidable issue.

I seriously need a remedy to help curb this habit of mine.

Any advices?

On a lighter note, just two more papers to go! Wish me luck for TPSW and my Basic Theory!

musical carousels 12:44 PM

Just a vicious thing called Jealousy.

musical carousels 1:47 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Have you ever gotten to the point whereby 'I Love You' is mainly a stimuli that's entering your ears?

Words don't hold imprinted meanings.

Or is it just me?

musical carousels 12:36 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006

Mixed feelings.

musical carousels 10:42 PM


  • I've been crying buckets.
  • Paranoia seems to be teasing the shit out of me.
  • My sleeping hours have been totally warped.
  • My memory's failing on me.
  • Exams stress are kicking in, really badly.

I hate the exam blues. =(

musical carousels 10:57 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006

You're no different from the others.

No fucking differences.

musical carousels 2:16 AM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Don't we all love fireworks!? =)
Btw,Flickr2 has been updated.

musical carousels 3:43 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Anon : G1 vinilla Glory , shade 22 for compact =)


Overheard daddy saying that he's going to sell off his current Mercs and get a SLK for himself. =/

Life's so unfair!!! Sis has her own bloody mazda, Mum's going to get another car for herself, and now, a SLK? This family's bloody bias.

On a lighter note, A mth and a half till we move in to our new home!

p/s : My current house's up for sale, call me if you parents intend to purchase a new place!

musical carousels 9:30 AM
Sunday, August 06, 2006

I shall be one of those homemakers that wear lacy aprons, cook aperitive cuisines, and complain to you that the Vegetable prices have increased by 50 cents, ok? And you shall be those doting hubby that preaches, "Honey! I'm home! And look what I bought? ROAST DUCK!", each time you return home from work, Alrighty?

Small talks and Jocular delights are indeed the foundation for a flight of sublimity.
Intellectual conversations have never been that engaging.
All in all, I thank you for bringing such boisterous mirages.

Continue being my pipe dream, will you?

1. You have a gorgeous pair of butterfly earrings! I HEART THAT!
3. PINK LA! lol.
5. we've a long history know ! But the one that's really imprinted in my mind was on the 25th of Jan. =) Cause that really initated the start of this awesome friendship.
7. When can I stay over again?

musical carousels 11:48 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006

terms of agreement.(Garfield)

1. we'll keep to seeing each other only once a week.
2. no PMS-ing
3.no getting grouchy
4.no bingeing
5.no purging.(or at least tell me when u're at it)
6.no mentioning of ** during our weekly meet ups. (it pisses me off sometimes, just SOMETIMES,maybe all the time)
7.FLIRT ALL U WANT WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE ( and the other party better be absolutely gorgeous n have a more fucked up face than i do )
8.tell me u miss me.
9.give me a tight squeeze when i'm frowning.
10.remember i have the key to your locket,
11.and that i'm wearing your ring on my left hand, e fourth finger.
12.i accepted the rice cake and you're all mine now.( no further bargains, the geisha's taken)
13.you keep meow-ing, it turns me on =)))
14.be nicer, more endearing, im a sucker.
15. remember to abide to all of the above and i'll be yours to ditch =)

terms of agreement by MEI NU!!!
1. Flirt all you wish, but, make sure the girl's no where hotter than me.
2. Stop showing your stupid pompous fuck face, it sends the wrong type of perceptions.
3. Wear your specs more often; it makes you look really alluring.
4. Make sure you supply me with your daily dosage of smses. It drives me nuts when you decide to switch on the ignoration mood of yours.
5. Stop charming me with that pair of sickening eyeballs.
6. I love it when you're being utterly silly, so continue portraying yourself in that manner.
7. MORE HUGS NEEDED. =) They are my source of security
8. Stop smoking, without losing your temper at me.
9. You can't leave me cause you accepted the ring I gave you!
10. In other words, Only I'm obliged to ditch you! Bleah
11.Starting blogging, Please? At least it updates me about your lifestyle.
12. Apologise when you're really at fault.
13. J'adore the way you hold my hand. So continue doing that, alright?
14. Stop calling me mean terms, because only I'm entitled to do that! Then again, it's okie if you do it occasionally.
15. Lastly, quit bugging me to study. VERY NAGGY YOU KNOW!

things you do when you're bored on a sat evening, at starbucks ( compass point )
I heart you, stupid fat orange cat. =)))

musical carousels 9:52 PM

Decided to reveal the elephantine amount of make up I normally use to get that uhhh, "not so obvious" coverage.

  • Foundation's true match by Loreal Paris.
  • Compact Powder's by Maybelline
  • Blusher,bronzer and brilliant powder are from The Body Shop.
  • mascara's by Loreal Paris, again. ( TRY IT, IT'S FUCKING GOOD!)
  • Eyeliner(Pencil)'s by In2It
  • Liquid Eyeliner's by Loreal Paris
  • Eye shadow from Sasa.

Digressing, seems like there's a major outburst of PMS-ers these days. It doesn't help when your date happens to be those that are going through a series of abrupt moodswings, which unknowingly, lead to ghastly neglections and awful remarks.

I haven't been studying as well and exams are merely 2 days from now.

OH WELL, I shall just hide in a mountain and wait for my prince charming to save me from some sexually deprived cavemen.

musical carousels 1:44 AM
Friday, August 04, 2006

Lurid incubuses decided to pay a visit last night, and decided to bestow an aftermath of insecurities and perplexities.

I wonder why I even allowed myself indulge in attachments. Sometimes, I’m really envious of Hui wen’s and Cheryl Lio’s resistances.


1. You don't really like butterflies! heh. AND, you love converse sneakers!
2. You're excessively adventurous, but nonetheless, I challenge you to go out on a date with me!
3. Needless to say, Brown. =)
4. Huh, one thing's not enough. I like the way you act silly, the way we quarrel/patch things up so quickly, the way we snap alot of pictures, the way we say,"HEY! I LOVE THAT!", the way we squeal at stupid stuff, the way we club, yadda yadda.
5. All thanks to the comment you wrote on Alicia's blog! yay. =)
7. When are we dating?

Julian SEAH
1. You have a black beanie!
2. Get over it, if not, do something about it! ( Ask me if you're clueless about 'it')
3. BAI colour.
4. You're my PUSSY LAO SHI.
5. YOU SCOLDED ME STUPID ON YOUR BLOG! ( Cause I didn't do well for my Os )
6. A big round teddy bear
7. When are you going to do something about it?

musical carousels 12:12 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

1. You like wearing vintage graphic tees!
2. Grow back your long black hair.
3. Blue, no Red, no Blue.
4. Your vocab's whooo.
5. The first time I met you at MOS Burger(Taka), you were Candice's girlfriend then. =p
6. A prawn.
7. I've nothing to ask you, yet.
8. if i do this for you, you must post this on yours, which you've done so anyway.

Thumpers was quite monotonous.The crowd was pretty mundane as well. Exams start in five days time. =( However, I've not exactly started studying, how now?

musical carousels 10:48 AM

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