Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gen's tag in the previous post aroused a colossal amount of laughters; Doesn't she sounds totally adorable when she's being Garfield ? Alright, I'm kinda digressing. Nonetheless, as my memory served, Garfield Seah always insist that I'm treating her as my personal slave assistant. However, it seems like I'll always end up toting my own bag, despite having a slew of insouicant "bellhop" offers from the fat and orange cat. In addition, she keeps harping that I'm mistreating her, notwithstanding the fact of presenting her abysmal "blue-ribbon" services. Now now, tell me who is the actual victim of injustices?

p/s : I feel like a very well adored/protected princess. 3 cheers for that. =D

Assignments' due dates are approaching, and I've not even started on any one of the four projects. Oh lord.

musical carousels 12:19 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Disappointment coiled its veins around me - injecting a prodigious amount of vedomousness into every inch of my skin. Great. I can't believe I have, again, underestimated the pentration of ungatory indites.

"HER" in her entry somehow aroused a whole lot cynical notions.

The past few days have been really obstreperous; Leery hearsays, your fair degree of barbed gesticulation and that accidental neglection.

I'm trying to close an eye with regard to those panging moments.Yet, it seems like my efforts were expunged upon reading that particular entry.

I'm scared and scarred, though time has imbued a sufficient amount of immunity within.


I lost the rings. I fucking misplaced them and i cant find them anywhere. Fuck, im getting hysterical.

musical carousels 12:49 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006

See what happens when vanity launches an attack on you?

Life has been pretty grisly lately. It seems like I've just been hit by a whirlpool of detrimental aura. =(

To make matters worst, I'm having a huge pimple outbreak, my boss keeps insisting that I produce my-never-once-existed MC, I'm uncertain whether I got through my Suzuki Print Ad auditions ( It's paying me another 1k!!! ) and lastly, I'm totally zonked out from working, and Clarine hasn't even started working yet!

On a lighter note, my MacBook has finally arrived! YAY.

ps : Anyone's willing to lend me ADOBE PHOTOSHOP for Mac? Or anyone's willing to tell me where to purchase the pirated version?

I'm so not going to pay 200 buckaroos for the entire prog. Yes yes, I'm a cheapo can ?

pps : Thi is very random but Lio and Wen, I love you guys.

musical carousels 9:59 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Huiwen once told me that people don't mean whatever they say when they are indignant. Still, why am I able to perform the otherwise? What does it means when a person constantly regards you as her personal torment?

Words are cheap. Or rather, affectionate indites are superficial.

I realised that I'm such a cry baby. I cry whenever harshness is being implemented. I cry when paranoia pounces on my back. I cry for anything or everything that concerns her.

Honestly, I miss the times when I couldn't care less about my commitments. At least, I wouldn't be that vulnerable and shameless. Then again, what's the point of having a concealed commitment when the person you've committed yourself to doesn't think likewise.Maybe I should be Philophobia's newest victim. At least I'll be spared from further pangs of veiled lunacy.


Terms of agreement.(ME)

1. we'll keep to seeing each other only once a week.
2. No PMS-ing
3.no getting grouchy
4.no bingeing
5.no purging.(or at least tell me when u're at it)
6.no mentioning of CL during our weekly meet ups. (it pisses me off sometimes, just SOMETIMES,maybe all the time)
7.FLIRT ALL U WANT WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE ( and the other party better be absolutely gorgeous n have a more fucked up face than i do )
8.tell me u miss me.
9.give me a tight squeeze when i'm frowning.
10.remember i have the key to your locket,
11.and that i'm wearing your ring on my left hand, e fourth finger.
12.i accepted the rice cake and you're all mine now.( no further bargains, the geisha's taken)
13.you keep meow-ing, it turns me on =)))
14.be nicer, more endearing, im a sucker.
15. remember to abide to all of the above and i'll be yours to ditch =)

terms of agreement by MEI NU!!!
1. Flirt all you wish, but, make sure the girl's no where hotter than me.
2. Stop showing your stupid pompous fuck face, it sends the wrong type of perceptions.
3. Wear your specs more often; it makes you look really alluring.
4. Make sure you supply me with your daily dosage of smses. It drives me nuts when you decide to switch on the ignoration mood of yours.
5. Stop charming me with that pair of sickening eyeballs.
6. I love it when you're being utterly silly, so continue portraying yourself in that manner.
7. MORE HUGS NEEDED. =) They are my source of security
8. Stop smoking, without losing your temper at me.
9. You can't leave me cause you accept the ring I gave you!
10. In other words, Only I'm obliged to ditch you! Bleah

Realised how twisted promises get when disputes come in between?


Was flipping through the pages of Memoirs of a Geisha, and I happened to chance upon a few endearing words which both of us once said to each other, six months ago that is. Thus, making me notice how time changes one's behavior.

I guess it's not really a good thing when you get to the core of one's true blue behavior. Now now, don't get me wrong, I'm not having any second thoughts or anything for that matter. I just feel like turning the hands of time and perhaps, start experiencing the purity of simple crushes with the very same person again.

musical carousels 10:25 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006

I tend to get all emo in the midst of every freaking morning, and it doesn't help when I decided to display some meddlesomeness by reading incomprehensibleme.

It seems like everyone will go through a stage when their hearts will be ruptured; when old flames can never be renewed, despite being in denial that he/she will return someday.

I miss the times when I solely sat at changi airport's viewing gallery. Guess that was the only time I managed to savor the true meaning of serenity.

I haven't been able to have a proper star gazing session within the past few months. Or rather, I haven't had the time to do such meaningful stuff anymore. My amidst's filled with strenuosity - it's getting much harder to breathe. Driving, modeling events, assignments and work have been consuming so much time and energy.

Sometimes I wonder whether I'm working for my own personal benefits, or for my mum. She seems to be boasting to everyone about my participation for a particular moto show that's paying me 1k for it. Yet, it seems like the only thing she's able to brag about.

I don't even see her being that excited when I told her I passed my advance.

I can't believe it, but I've finally reached the point where I just want to be pampered and not lay a finger on any financial matters. I mean, I enjoy splurging, but the process of obtaining the float's annoying. In short, I'm tired of maintaining my independence.

I don't even mind extracting my backbone for utmost luxury and pure dotingness.


Hila : Yup. Studied the entire book. The questions aren't hard, so long as you're able to predict the outcomes for assorted roadblocks and such.

Passerby : Got the swimsuit from Dorothy Perkins.

musical carousels 3:02 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Passed my Advance theory, on my first attempt. =D

I can finally say I'm not that stupid after all.

musical carousels 1:46 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's 0730 right now, and I'm all geared up for my advance theory, e-trial test that is. This is actually quite amusing. I mean, I haven't been that studious ever since I passed my Basic. See, this is why turning 18's an impeccable thing. You will somehow receive an invisible wake up call, and your life will miraculously twist itself away from the dark side. Speaking of dark side, it reminds me of Star Wars, which in turn, made me bethink of Che's photoshopped black mask picture. Accks, witness the wonders of Mind-mapping yet?

Okie I gotta run. Will update in 2 hours time.

musical carousels 7:39 AM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My life has been coated with assiduousness, and it is getting rather perturbing. I don't even have ample time to update this blog.


Frog Congee, personally delivered by baby. =D See the advantages you get when you're sick? So Flu, Fever and Sore throat bugs, don't go so soon. =)

Guess who has the matching pair? =DDD


Cable Car time, YAY.

Will upload the videos soon. I'm too lazy/fatigued to do anything these days. ROAR.

musical carousels 1:03 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More photos @ Flickr2
You're the Ultimate.

musical carousels 1:54 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006

A single Lily means sorry for making you cry.
"You know what I like about us? I like the fact that we get over quarrels so quickly."
And I ditto that.
Thank you for bestowing such endearments on me.
p/s : Baby, you're such a mollycoddler. =)

musical carousels 2:11 AM
Sunday, September 03, 2006

waited for your reply, but nothing came in.
I can't read you, though I thought I could.

You're confusing me, and I wish you would stop.


musical carousels 1:22 AM

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