Thursday, November 30, 2006

AHHH, I can't get to sleep and I can't wait to get started on my new template. The idea seems so refreshing, and out of the box!!! Okie, I'll start working on it, that's if the template mojo's still intact after tomorrow.

To add, I've just received good news from my ma; My license's not facing any forms of revocation after all! Xue's one jocular kid right now.

I want a name change. Something that must be ultimately exotic.

Cases of Exs can be such a blight sometimes.
Please don't get me wrong; the fault doesn't lies with the ex girlfriends, but rather, relys on the inferiority one possesses.
How, How, How? I hate being pinned down by my own form of inhibitions.

Body's starting to ache really badly. It doesn't help with the fact that I'm running out of painkillers (which aren't any bit effective)
Throat's throbbing terribly, and my kaput immune system's doesn't ease the tension.
Appetite hasn't been that ajar as well.

I'm one sick kid who isn't feeling loved.

musical carousels 1:13 AM
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My creativity finally came back from its very long vacation.

New blog skin'll be done soon, once the bloody ATA's over!


Wrote this during work today. Know its rather queer sounding but, what the heck.
(No, I did not use any help from Dictionary.com )

Feelings rambled riotously;
She's the addiction which dilated so vastly.


Certain lights can never suppress the darkness;
Several inveiglements will trigger nefariousness.
Dependences evoke eventual horridness;
Expectations initiate dispiritedness.
Promises instigate incredulousness;
Demands root disturbances.
Insensitivity births fearfulness;
Pride dawns misplacements.


Paradoxes of the author's heart.
Tell her, where's she supposed to go from here?

Emo days are the best days for a lengthy entry.

musical carousels 11:06 PM

This morning, I woke up with sepia sacks under my eyes. There's alot to say, but I seriously don't know how to jot down these quandaries.

Sometimes, short lasting reveries can act as a divine,odious jolt.
Things will always look good on the surface, but, ultimately, what truly matters most is what that lies deep within.
Lies can be easily coated with a single luscious cover of gratification, evoking all vacillations and dubiousness.
Yet, when all's revealed, equanimity will never hold serenity's hand, to expunge one's panging paranoia.

Nonetheless, it's times like this that place one's true strength to the test, and inject some independences into one's frail, or rather, fragmented backbone.

The only person that I wish to really pour my heart to's Ryl.
It seems like she can truly apprehend these desolations, to their fullest extents.

Still, thanks all, you know who you are, for being my single pair of crutches. What'll I do without y'all ?

ps : Asian Television Awards' on this thursday, friends or fans of these following celebs, you're invited for their red carpet premieres!!!

-Pat Mok
-Zoe Tay
-Julian Hee
-Tay Ping Hui ( HOT HOT HOT!)
-Ericia Lee
-Edmund Chen
-Pierre Png & Andrea

pps : I splurged a whopping 200 buckaroos last night. Bloody Asian Tele Awards, and to hell with internal indignations. Nevertheless, Retail therapy will always be the perfect remedy!

ppps: I totally regret purchasing my 450 buckaroos wallet from karen millen ( winks at Clarine), it's tarnishing like fuck and the leather's starting to smell funny. GOODNESS! Its time to scout for a sugar daddy!!!


musical carousels 7:50 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Betrayal never felt so bitter.

Empty words and a pompous attitude.

I hate you, I really do.

musical carousels 10:16 PM

Sometimes, I think I fail to notice my surroundings.

I tend to forget my endearing friends who were always there for me, no matter how awful situations can get.

Wen,Lio,Clarine(God, I owe this woman my entire life please),Kay,Sally,Ja,Raine,SH.

Maybe, these will be the people that appreciate all my deepest flaws.

Flaws that will never be appreciated by her.

musical carousels 2:13 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006

Everything just feels queer without you around.

Just everything.

Lio: I needa talk to you very soon, 38!
Wen : Everything's gng to be fine. I know, Trust me okie ?

musical carousels 12:27 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006

I feel like crying right now. I just fucking got into a major accident last week, and I'm suffering from a panging headache, intense numbness and an extremely stiff neck.

Then again, those physical injuries aren't as painful as the fact that my license is going to get revoked (I presumed so, though it's not a police case, yet). Yes, my highly endeared license that's only a month old is fucking at stake!!! =(

So, fellow readers, or anyone who has a clue or the potential to predict the future, please analyse this bloody picture for me, and tell me what to do?

ps: I'm lazy to explain the details.

musical carousels 7:39 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm glad that I'm able to do something for you =)

See baby, having a vroom vroom can make things so much easier for the both of us.
I love you, orange cat.

musical carousels 12:50 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Gorgeous Handphone! =D

The fruits of my labour =) - My Roomie!

Family outing - The big baby and puny babbies.

musical carousels 1:22 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006

I can't believe this is coming from me, but OMG. THEY ARE SO FUCKING CUTE LA!?
Joo Ji Hoon simply reminds me of baby. Beams.

LOL. Lio, you see la. All your fault!

musical carousels 1:26 AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Time now is two twenty two am, and I can't get to sleep. Tui Hou's currently playing on my itunes, and it reminded me of you singing it to me.

I don't know why do you always have to be so insensitive. Why do you even bother saying that you've removed that stupid shield of yours, when you jolly well know that its no where near your proclaimed removal. I wish to get closer to you, share your insecurities, understand your confusions...

Seriously, is it that hard for you to be totally honest about your emotions? Its so difficult trying to predict your every moves. Your anger seems to be getting so heinous, it frightens me. I detest crying buckets, but it seems that we're destinated to be apart for a few hours after each quarrel. Still, perhaps, these hours mean nothing to you, but it does to me. No, it means alot to me. Must you always be so self-centered? Can't you just place yourself in my shoes, even just for a single second?

I love you, I really do.

As the saying goes, people learn from their past experiences. So, why can't you see I'm trying to prevent any misfortunes from obstructing our path? You're my perfect lover, and I don't want to lose you, because, it seems like you're the only one who is willing to binge on jap food on a daily basis, the only one who sends chills down my spine when you use endearing terms on me, the only one listens to my whines, the only one who appreciate my flaws, the only one who took care of me when I was sick, the only one who has the ability to initiate my smiles, the only who is able to melt my heart with your dulcet vocals, the only one who heals my forgetfulness, the only one who I'm willing to propose to and the only one who I really want to spend my life with.

Can't you see all that?

musical carousels 2:29 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006


ps : I realised that I'm starting to abhor public transport really badly.
pp/s: Daddy's going get me a car soon! I'm thinking either Subaru R2, Kia Picanto or a Nissan March! Small cars are <3
ppp/s : I have no idea why I'm blogging like this, but I'm getting my long awaited 7373 this tuesday! ( Which makes me the only person in Singapore to have it, since its not being launched over here yet. )
pppp/s : Baby's so fucking sweet today! She didn't lose her temper at me, despite the fact that I was preaching at her throughout the entire driving trip!!! I LOVE YOU BABY!
ppppp/s : Did I mention that I love Genevieve Seah TO IMMENSE BITS!?

Lastly, Parking fees and petrol are so fucking expensive! =(

musical carousels 12:56 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

We'll be rubbing our skins against the satiny sand, exchanging sensual moves all day round, right baby!?

These 9 months and 13 days have never been so enchanting! Never ever.


muchie smoochies.

musical carousels 12:12 AM

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